Investing in R&D&I is a guarantee of quality in all our products and services.
AgriSat was born as a response to the growing demand from farmers who saw the results of several R+D+i projects led by the Remote Sensing and GIS Section of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). They saw that the tools developed in these projects were of great practical use for them and for the whole sector. Therefore, AgriSat was established to provide a commercial service in this respect, always working in close collaboration with the UCLM, applying and developing its own models, the result of years of research.
This collaboration and commitment to innovation allows us to offer technology-based services and tools that adapt and complement the daily management of crops by farmers or companies in the sector thanks to the solid base of agronomic knowledge acquired during our professional career.
Our R&D&I activity is focused on 2 types of projects, some of them in charge of large companies in the sector (Bayer, Pioneer-Corteva, Agroseguro, Alcaliber) and others in European projects.
The two aspects of our successes are complementary: the satisfaction of our customers on the one hand and the recognition by the international scientific community on the other.
The guarantee of scientific-technical quality can be measured by our participation in European projects. In the 6 years of our activity as a company, we have been involved in 7 projects.
On the quality of our technological agricultural services, we give the floor to Mr. Ruperto Mesas Moragón, farmer and president of the Community of Groundwater Users (CUAS) of the Rus-Valdelobos Groundwater Basin:
“I consider it paramount that each user community has this type of tool as basic technical support when it comes to being able to manage, identify and quantify both irrigated areas and the actual volumes being consumed. Once you can identify and classify each of the crops and quantify each of the irrigated areas of each crop, you can make a real estimate of the water demand, based on the knowledge of the water needs for each type of crop. This is why I believe that it is time to use this type of tool in the Upper Guadiana, above all because it is the only way to have technical support that allows us to identify the reality, so that it can then be reflected in both the hydrological plans and in the daily management of each user’s farm”.
The two sides of our successes are complementary: customer satisfaction on the one hand and recognition by the international scientific community on the other.
The guarantee of scientific-technical quality can be measured in the participation in European projects. In the more than 6 years of our activity as a company, we have been involved in more than 9 projects.
On the quality of our technological agriculture services, we give the floor to Mr. Ruperto Mesas Moragón, farmer and president of the Community of Groundwater Users (CUAS) of the Rus-Valdelobos Groundwater Body:
“I consider it paramount that each user community has this type of tool as basic technical support when it comes to being able to manage, identify and quantify both irrigated areas and the actual volumes being consumed. Once you can identify and classify each of the crops and quantify each of the irrigated areas of each crop, you can make a real estimate of the water demand, based on the knowledge of the water needs for each type of crop. This is why I believe that it is time to use this type of tool in the Upper Guadiana, above all because it is the only way to have technical support that allows us to identify the reality, so that it can then be reflected in both the hydrological plans and in the daily management of each user’s farm”.
We are committed to constant agricultural innovation
In the agricultural sector, new agricultural technologies have emerged to help promote the efficient and sustainable use of all available natural resources for the total benefit of society.
The restructuring of the agricultural system towards a much more technological approach brings with it a great help to work more efficiently in the use of water and fertilisers and to know the particularities of the crops in detail.
At AgriSat we work every day to offer our own complete software (WebGIS) that facilitates the consultation of information in real time. This information is captured on the one hand by satellites working on Earth observation, and on the other hand by sensors and models to extract information that we can then apply in daily agricultural practices.
Some of the most important applications are the control of vegetative development, the consultation of historical information and better efficiency in the use of water and fertilisers.
Our mission is to provide important advances in technological agriculture that will help solve problems such as food supply for the whole population and environmental threats that require a greater focus on sustainable improvement.
Application of technological agriculture in international R&D projects
El trabajo de AgriSat culmina en la aplicación de las tecnologías y conocimientos adquiridos en proyectos reales de gran envergadura de los que nos enorgullecemos de ser partícipes.
En esta nueva era de innovación y nuevas necesidades que deben ser cubiertas en la sociedad, la teledetección y otras técnicas agrarias ayudan a intervenir de forma no destructiva en el medio gracias a una adaptación digital del sector.
Estos avances son patentes en los proyectos que hemos finalizado actualmente como FATIMA para la gestión eficaz de los recursos en un entorno sostenible, APOLLO donde se desarrollaron actividades de asesoramiento para pequeños agricultores y DIANA para el desarrollo de servicios de gestión del agua.
Además, contamos con la participación de siete proyectos en curso como son COALA, B-FERST, STARGATE, SIEUSOIL, REXUS, LENSES y TUdi, todos ellos con proyección internacional y financiados por la Unión Europea.
En AgriSat ponemos a la disposición del sector agrario todos nuestros conocimientos, tecnologías, innovaciones y asesoramiento con el objetivo de liderar un cambio positivo en materia de teledetección agrícola, gestión del riego, huella hídrica, y agricultura de precisión, entre otros avances.